The principles of a vanilla web diet:
Build on what works
Our base layer should be HTML, plain and simple and doing the thing the product is meant to do. Something that looks like a button but doesn't do anything is not helping our users. When everything else fails, HTML is the thing users get - let's not deprive them of that
Lack of support is an opportunity
If an old browser can not do something it allows us to test for that and not give it that functionality. In 99% of the cases the functionality is a nice-to-have and not needed.
Browser-specific code can not be trusted
Every functionality you make dependent on browser prefixed code adds to the landfill of code that breaks very, very soon
Use a mix of technologies - each for what it does best
It is very tempting to do everything in JavaScript, but it is not needed
Ask questions
Whatever you do should be wrapped in a "if" making sure that only environments that can apply what you want get it
Write as much as needed, not the least possible
Let's think about what we write before we write it instead of adding lots of small, quick solutions
It is not about what you can add - it is about what we can't take away
Basic functionality should always be there.
Usefulness beats consistency across browsers
Instead of giving everyone the same experience we always consider what is the best way to ensure people can use what we build
Load only what is needed
Why should a browser get a library or a data file if it can not do anything with it?
Analysing effects beats adding FX
If you want to add shiny things, make sure they can perform in a shiny fashion, nobody likes their browser to slow down for a laggy effect.
Strong foundations beat a possible future addition
A lot of times we add a lot of code and interfaces to allow for a future that will need them. This future hardly ever comes about. Let's build for the now.